ADHDADHD childADHD parentingparenting ADHD

Parenting an ADHD Child: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers


parenting ADHD child

Even if ADHD runs in families, you may mitigate the effects of the disease and prevent it from progressing by treating your child’s symptoms early on. Your youngster has a fighting chance if you act quickly. Underachievement, low self-esteem, and other problems that might lead to criminal behavior or substance misuse are all avoidable if parents take action before it’s too late. Even though raising a child can be difficult at times, you have the power to set your child up for success in both the home and the classroom.


To help you get going, here are a few suggestions.


Your emotional reserves are already stretched enough; there’s no point in wasting them on guilt.

In most situations, ADHD is inherited because it is a condition of certain brain regions. The home environment can improve or worsen ADHD symptoms, although neither bad parenting nor chaos are the actual causes of the disorder.


Educate yourself as much as possible on ADHD

There is a plethora of resources devoted to the diagnosis and management of ADHD, but not all of it is reliable or founded on solid research. Your responsibility as a smart consumer is to figure out how to tell reliable sources apart from hoaxes. How do you choose which information will be helpful and which will not? Advertisements promising a cure for ADHD should generally be viewed with scepticism. Although there is currently no way to completely reverse the effects of ADHD, there are measures that can be taken to lessen its severity. Additionally, consider the credibility of the source. Choose only reliable online resources, such as those provided by the government (such as the CDC), non-profit organisations (such as CHADD), or academic institutions (such as libraries) (those that end in .edu).


Have your kid checked out thoroughly

You should make sure that your child undergoes a comprehensive diagnostic checkup that includes medical, academic, and psychological examinations (with the assistance of the child’s teacher), and that other problems that occur frequently with ADHD have been checked and ruled out. Tips for ensuring academic success for your offspring


Master the art of case management

Record everything you can about your kid. It would be helpful if you brought a copy of your kid’s latest report card in addition to any as well as all teacher remarks, disciplinary notes, assessments, and meeting minutes. You may also want to provide background on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a timeline of your child’s treatment and placement history, and the names and numbers of any relevant medical or mental health professionals.


Be the captain of a team that has experience working with people who have ADHD

Your kid’s special educator and a classroom teacher who is familiar with your child should attend any meetings held at the school. However, you have the right to include individuals who have experience with ADHD or your child’s unique requirements in these discussions. Doctors, psychologists, nurses, and guidance counsellors at your child’s school all play important roles. Information gathered from other professionals contacted, such as an psychiatrist, psychologist, educational advocate, or behavioural management specialist, could also be helpful in these discussions. Your child’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as how ADHD affects him or her, will be discussed and analysed so that you and the team can create a treatment plan that is tailored to his or her specific needs.

 Gentle Parenting is the Most Effective form of Parenting.


Find out as much as you can about your child’s educational rights if he or she has ADHD


To better assist your child in school, you should become well-versed in the protections afforded to you by the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act (IDEA) and the applicable sections of the Rehabilitation Act. Find your state’s parent technical assistance centre at for additional information on your rights as a parent. to locate the hub in your region).

Advocating for your kid should be your top priority. You should act as an advocate for your child at school, both academically and behaviorally. Participate fully in your kid’s IEP or Section 504 plan team in order to ensure that your child obtains the best possible services and classroom placements. For further information, check out the Curriculum for People with ADHD.


Maintain consistent contact with one another


Embrace a team-first mentality when assisting your child’s group; after all, you and they are working for the same end, your child’s success. You should inform your child’s instructors of any significant life events at home that may affect your child’s conduct. If there are any problems or concerns that the teachers have, encourage them to approach you. Your child will benefit from clear lines of contact between you and the school.


Home improvement tips to reduce stress


Take part in a community of people who understand what you’re going through

If there are CHADD groups in your area, parents can get more information and meet other people in a similar situation. A simple online tool, the “chapter locator,” might help you identify the group’s local outpost.

Get in touch with a specialist

If you are feeling down, angry, or worn out, it is important to seek the assistance of mental health professionals. Making an effort to reduce your own stress will have a positive effect on your child.


Have Consensus

T he adults in your child’s life (including you, but also grandparents, relatives, and babysitters) should all be on the same page about how to respond to challenging behaviours. Professional assistance is available to help families learn to support their children jointly.


Master the techniques used by effective behaviour managers

Treatment for children with ADHD typically involves a combination of medication and behavioural strategies. Parenting classes can help you develop new habits and strengthen your bond with your child. Parent to Parent is CHADD’s parent education programme that covers the basics of ADHD. Your local parent information and resource centre ( can also help you find local parent training programmes.



Participating in parenting classes can teach you how to:


Set goals, restrictions, and expectations in a consistent manner


Children with ADHD benefit from clear expectations from adults. They struggle when they need to “read between the lines” and figure out what should happen in a circumstance where only general guidelines are provided. By consulting an expert, you may zero in on a manageable range of behaviours, establish reasonable boundaries, and implement consistent penalties.


Institutionalize a strict disciplinary procedure

Instead of simply punishing bad behaviour, parents should acquire proactive disciplinary techniques that proactively teach and reward good behaviour and proactively respond to disobedience with measures like time outs and restriction of privileges. Maintain open lines of communication with your child’s other caregivers and do your best to maintain a uniform approach to behavioural approaches regardless of where or who is caring for your child.



Make a framework

Set up a daily regimen for your kid and keep to it religiously. Fix routines for when everyone eats, does their homework, plays, and goes to bed. Assigning your child a simple daily duty, such as laying out his or her clothes for the next day, can provide much-needed structure.


Deconstruct complex activities into simpler ones

If you need to assist remind a child of his or her responsibilities, try using a huge wall calendar. Your youngster can stay organised and avoid stress by assigning each chore and piece of homework a different colour. Even in the morning, it helps to think of everything you need to perform as a separate activity.


Take steps to streamline and simplify your child’s routine

Make sure your child has a peaceful place to go where they can read, complete their homework, and relax from the stresses of the day. For your child’s sake, always make sure your house is clean and well-organized. This aids in decreasing the number of interruptions.


Conceal or minimise interruptions

For kids with ADHD, the more distractions there are, the better. Irresponsible behaviour is encouraged by media like television, video games, and the computer and should be limited. Reduce screen time and increase active playtime outside the house to help your youngster release pent-up energy.


Promote physical activity

Engaging in physical activity is a great way to channel that extra energy into something constructive. Further, it trains a kid’s brain to zero in on particular motions. Potentially, this would reduce impulsivity. Concentration may be boosted, the risk of sadness and anxiety reduced, and the brain’s reward centres stimulated in positive ways by regular exercise. ADHD is common among elite athletes. Experts agree that sports can provide a positive outlet for the passion, attention, and energy of a child diagnosed with ADHD.


Normalize your sleeping schedule

Children with ADHD may have a more challenging time falling asleep than other kids. Sleep deprivation makes it more difficult to pay attention, to calm down, and to control one’s impulses. As a parent, you should do everything you can to help your kid get more shut-eye. If you want them to sleep better, try cutting back on sweets and caffeine and limiting their TV time. Create a routine that helps you unwind and relax before bed.


It’s important to promote talking ideas out loud

Children with ADHD may struggle to maintain composure. Because of this, they act impulsively rather than rationally. When your child is feeling the need to act out, encourage him or her to talk about what’s going on in his or her head. If you want to help your child control impulsive actions, you need to have a firm grasp on how he or she thinks.


Boost patient waiting

Teaching your youngster to pause before speaking or reacting is another strategy for curbing the urge to speak before thinking. The combination of your assistance with schoolwork and the use of engaging questions regarding a child’s favourite show or book is sure to elicit more in-depth answers from your youngster.


Have faith in your kid

Most likely, your kid doesn’t understand the emotional toll that their disease takes on you. One must keep up an upbeat and supportive attitude. Let your youngster know when they’ve done something properly by praising them for it. Even though your child is having difficulty at the moment due to ADHD, you should have faith in him or her and hope for the best for the future.


Locate Person-Centered Therapy

You really can’t juggle everything. Your support is essential, but so is expert assistance for your child. Get your kid into therapy and give them a new way to express themselves. Ask for help if you feel like you need it. Many parents put their children’s needs ahead of their own emotional health. The tension and anxiety that you and your child are experiencing can be managed with the help of a therapist. There may be solace for parents in finding local support groups.


Avoid overwork by taking frequent pauses

Of course there will be times when you can’t offer encouragement. It’s natural to feel helpless and angry, whether at yourself or your kid. Taking a break from studying is important, just as it is for your child. Any parent worth their salt knows the value of blocking off time for themselves. You could look into getting a sitter. Taking a walk, hitting the gym, or unwinding in the tub are all excellent options for a break.


Learn to relax

In order to help an impulsive youngster, you need to keep your own emotions in check. If you can keep your cool during an outburst and demonstrate that to your child, he or she will be more likely to do the same in the future. Before you try to calm your youngster down, take a deep breath, relax, and gather your ideas. Your youngster will learn to self-regulate and calm down if you do the same.


Encourage your kid to grow from their missteps

It’s inevitable that a child’s actions will have unfavorable results sometimes. The problem is that kids with ADHD have a hard time relating their actions to the outcomes they’re getting. As parents, we can facilitate these associations and teach our children with ADHD from our own mistakes.

How to instil self-assurance in your youngster

Each day, make time to spend together with your kid. A child’s confidence can suffer from constant criticism. Spending quality time with your child—during an outing, a game, or just regular conversation—can strengthen him or her and make him or her more resilient to attacks on self-esteem.


Keep track of your kid’s accomplishments, big and little

Put in some extra effort to take note of your kid’s good behaviour, including when he or she is paying attention or following directions. Remind your kid of all the things she or he did right. A healthy sense of self-worth and the ability to recognise and appreciate progress over time can be fostered by this practice.

Share with your kid that you always have his or her back no matter what happens

There may be times when you find it hard to believe this yourself. In those moments, it will mean much more that you recognise the struggles your child confronts daily and show them your love. Assure your child that you will be by his or her side through the good and the bad.


Help your kid out with his or her social skills

Children with ADHD may experience social isolation due to their impulsivity, aggression, and hyperactivity. Training for parents can teach them how to help their children socialise and learn to cooperate with others.


Find out what your youngster is good at

Many kids who struggle with ADHD are actually quite talented in several areas, be they the performing arts, sports, technology, or mechanics. Foster your child’s sense of pride and success by building on his or her abilities. Make sure your child’s strengths aren’t stifled by untreated ADHD and that he has a fair shot at succeeding in these pursuits. Don’t use these things as rewards for good behaviour or withhold them as punishment for bad behaviour if you can help it.


Control your anger

Adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) sometimes exhibit aggressive behaviour. Putting an active toddler in “time-out” can help calm both of you down. Remove your child from the situation in a calm and determined manner if they start acting out in public. The child has to understand that “time-out” is a chance to calm down and reflect on their inappropriate behaviour. Ignore your child’s somewhat disruptive behaviour if you think it’s just a method for him or her to get some energy out. Destructive, abusive, or deliberately disruptive behaviour that violates the standards you create, however, should always result in disciplinary action.


Establish in advance the limits of permissible conduct

As a parent, you want your child to learn to think before acting and to be able to rein in their impulses, and that’s what behaviour modification is all about. A parent’s empathetic, patient, affectionate, energetic, and powerful traits are all needed here. The first step for parents is to establish the limits of their own tolerance. It’s vital that you follow these rules. Disincentivizing positive behaviour change in children by alternating between punishment and reward is counterproductive. Physical outbursts, ignoring early wake-up calls, and refusing to turn off the TV when asked are all behaviours that should never be tolerated.


Your kid could struggle to accept and follow your rules


Children are more likely to follow rules if they are easy to understand and there are clear consequences for breaking them. A point system can help with this. For exemplary behaviour, you might offer your kid a chance to earn points that can be exchanged for things like extra screen time, cash, or even a new video game. Clearly state the rules of the house and post them in a prominent location. Your child’s understanding of your guidelines can be bolstered by repetition and praise.


Set the boundaries, but be accommodating


However, you should not be too tough with your child. It is crucial to continually encourage excellent behaviours and discourage damaging ones. Keep in mind that kids with ADHD could struggle to adjust to new situations. During the learning process, it is important to let your child make some mistakes. The peculiarities of your child’s personality should be celebrated as long as they don’t cause him or anybody else any harm. Negatively reinforcing a child’s odd habits because you find them peculiar is counterproductive.

Learn more about parenting here.

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