
18 Practical Tips for Working Parents


tips for working parents

Challenges in the Lives of Working Parents

It’s common for working parents to feel unfulfilled. In particular, working mothers frequently express frustration over trying to satisfy both their professional and parental responsibilities. However, recent studies show that such unpleasant emotions can have an effect on professional lives; parents who express shame also tend to be less effective at work. Reason being, when parents feel horrible about themselves, they tend to stop doing whatever it is they associate with those feelings, which can have a negative impact on their careers and even lead some to abandon the job altogether.


Recognizing the connection between parental shame and work performance is crucial in light of the current high rate of employee turnover, especially among working women. Improving the lives of parents and keeping women in the workforce through historic economic turbulence can result from taking the time to assess how we normalize effectively support the delicate balance so many caregivers battle with.

Everyone who is employed must do their duties. The same holds true for a person with responsibilities to a family, however it can be challenging to design a life that allows for harmony between the two. It requires expertise to juggle career and family responsibilities without sacrificing quality time with either.


If you’re a working parent trying to strike a balance between your professional and personal life, you’ll want to read this article.


If you want to be a working parent who successfully juggles work and family commitments, consider the following advice.


1.     Make a timetable

There is a lot of job and family commitments for a parent who also works outside the home. Setting up a routine can help you give your work and your home life the attention they deserve. Make your family aware of your availability and keep yourself on track to achieve success at work and spend quality time with your loved ones by creating a timetable.


Making plans for your small children is essential if you work from home. So that you may concentrate on your business when necessary, this can provide them some autonomy over their day. You can use it as a reference to get them back on track if they get sidetracked by reminding them that it’s time to play, eat, or clean up.


2.     Utilize Your Free Time During Meals


Relaxing, napping, or checking Facebook are all acceptable activities for lunch breaks. However, as a working parent, you may need to make adjustments and set aside time specifically for parenting. Take care of urgent tasks, update your family calendar, fill out school paperwork, and review notes from teachers.


Better yet, if they are still young enough to be at home, call them. Keep in touch with your kids and keep in the loop by making a video call now. Their vocals can lift your spirits and help you forget about the stresses of the office.

 What is Gentle Parenting and Why it is Really Useful?

3.     Leave the Day’s Stress Behind and Unwind at Home

Kids can sense when their parents are upset. Your children will notice when you come home from a long day at work agitated. If you want to keep the peace and enjoy your time with them, you need watch your behavior.

If you’re a working parent, you probably have high standards for how well your professional and parental lives mesh. If you and your loved ones are feeling overwhelmed, it may be time to take a look at your expectations and see if you need to adjust them. Achieving a happy medium between business and personal life can be challenging, but lowering your standards can make accomplishing both easier.


4.     Have frank conversations with your children.

Even while it’s tough to leave the kids and head to the workplace, it’s even more important to be upfront with them about your work schedule so they can adjust their own expectations. Explaining to your children what you do for a livelihood, how your work affects other people or systems, and why you enjoy it, might assist.


Your kids should know that you have responsibilities at work but will still make time for them when you’re done. If you want your kids to emulate you and feel like they contribute to the family, consider getting them employment.


5.     The Work Notifications Must Be Turned Off


Loss of work-life harmony results from prioritising work above other aspects of life. As your family grows, so does the need of maintaining a life outside of work. As soon as you come in the door, you should take off your shoes and turn off your work notifications. Avoid checking work emails or taking work calls on the weekend to reduce stress at home and spend more quality time with your loved ones.


6.     Put Children First

After a long day at the office, there’s nothing better than kicking back with a good binge-watching session of your favourite show. However, a parent’s priority must always be their children. Try to limit mindless Facebook browsing, watch less television, and hold off on that glass of wine until the kids are in bed.

If you’re feeling exhausted after a long day at the office, make dinner and bedtime routine with the kids a top priority.



7.     Achieve an equilibrium between your personal and professional lives

Strive for a healthy work-life balance so you don’t burn yourself out and miss out on critical moments with friends and loved ones. Consider talking to your manager about their expectations for you to work beyond your scheduled hours, establishing typical working hours, and having a daily stop time as approaches to achieve this. If you’re being pressured to take calls or work on a project outside of normal business hours, see if there’s any way you can shift your schedule elsewhere in the week so you don’t have to miss out on quality time with your family.



8.     Imagine yourself as strong and capable

Don’t let yourself feel bad about trying to juggle work and family responsibilities; instead, give yourself permission to succeed at both. You need to feel empowered so that you can set a good example for your kids by working hard, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and making a conscious effort to stop feeling overwhelmed. By ensuring that your efforts at home and in the workplace are equal, you can free yourself from any feelings of remorse.


9.     Establish limits

When you’re a working parent, it’s important to establish limits for yourself and your kids. Creating limits will free up time that you can use to focus on things like work and family. In order to establish limits, you should have open conversations with your loved ones about your wants and requirements, assign specific tasks to each family member, stick to a strict schedule, and recognise the times when you need to prioritise work above family obligations.


Setting limits may entail turning off electronics and refraining from doing any kind of work when hanging out with the kids. Do not let yourself get sidetracked in the office by thoughts of chores at home until you have reached a reasonable stopping point. Another approach to set limits is by saying no. While you undoubtedly want to be as involved as possible with your children’s school, there are times when you simply must say no. It’s great that you want to be there for your kids, but saying yes to every request could leave you unable to do crucial job.


If you are already at your maximum workload capacity, saying “no” to a manager who asks you to take on additional work may be challenging. However, you may be able to propose another teammate or an alternative technique for finishing the job.


10.Make a quiet spot to work in your home

Set up a home office if you are a parent who works from home full-time or who will accomplish some projects outside of normal business hours. This might be set up in a spare room, office, or even a spare nook of your bedroom. With a designated work area, you can get into the zone and do your tasks more efficiently. Tell your loved ones when you need them to leave you alone so you can get some work done.


In addition to giving you a dedicated place to get things done, a workplace allows you to concentrate on your tasks without distractions. You can leave work at the office and focus on your loved ones during your time off.



11.Observe Family Days


In other words, working parents have lives outside of work, too! Although your work schedule may be hectic, you can still be a fun parent. One method to balance work-life as a parent is by planning family days or nights. Movie nights on a set night of the week or free Saturdays spent playing outside are great ways to bond with the young ones and create family traditions. A family night out may be a fun tradition for the whole family.


Spending time with your children is essential if you want to foster a close relationship with them. Put down the phone and stop talking about work when you’re with the family.


12.Engage Your Spouse

The key to a healthy work-life balance is dividing up your time between your personal and professional lives in an equitable manner. Take turns during the week taking care of the kids and dividing up the housework with your partner if your schedules are very hectic.


Share the midnight feedings if you have a new baby and an early work schedule, or take turns. When the dishes pile up in the sink after dinner, delegate the chore to your spouse so you can focus on the kids’ homework.


13.Please Don’t Feel the Disturbing Guilt

Having to choose between employment and raising a family is a source of guilt for many parents. Guilt can easily take over when you wish you were in a position that allowed for more time away from the office. We must, however, also see the silver lining and appreciate the advantages.


14.Enlarge your social network.

Only other working parents will truly appreciate the difficulty and complexity of juggling job and family life. Even if you have a sizable social circle, it might be helpful to connect with other parents who understand the pressures of balancing work and family responsibilities. The ability to communicate with people who understand and appreciate the challenges faced by working parents is crucial. Being around by caring people and having meaningful conversations can boost your spirits and serve as a gentle reminder that you are doing an excellent job of prioritising your work and family.


15.Think of short cuts

To the extent that there is a more efficient means of accomplishing the same result, you should employ it. Think of ways to make packed lunch easier like buying pre-packaged snack items, cooking in bulk so all you have to do is pack up some leftovers and utilising fruit that you don’t have to cut up. Consider alternative strategies to streamline your home life, such as hiring a cleaning service to come every other week, designating one or two nights a week for takeaway, and making a chore schedule so everyone can pitch in.


Workplace efficiency does not need to be sacrificed for the sake of convenience. Project management software that syncs with your schedule and to-do list is something to think about. See if there are any keyboard shortcuts you can learn to make you type quicker or accomplish a task for you, like printing your work or saving your file. In your role as project manager, you should look for opportunities to shorten the duration of meetings. Every so often, the team can get together for a short standing meeting to discuss something important, but they should keep it quick.


16.Practice self-care

A significant part of being a working parent is taking the time for yourself. It’s crucial to have a means to take a break from your regular routine, whether at work or at home, and focus on something you enjoy. You may unwind by doing anything like reading a book, taking care of your skin with an evening regimen, meditating, going for a stroll, eating out with a friend, or going to an exercise class. Relax and enjoy yourself.


Taking care of yourself includes giving yourself enough time to rest, eating nutritious meals, and refuelling with fluids. Taking time for yourself is crucial because it allows you to recharge your batteries so that you can tackle your obligations with renewed vigour and concentration. If you’ve worked hard to provide for your family and achieve your professional goals, it’s only fair that you take some time for yourself to appreciate all your efforts.


17.Determine your limits before setting any ambitious targets

Expectations and goals should be reevaluated to ensure success. Setting work goals that you know you can achieve will help you stay on track, inspired, and proud of your accomplishments. Establishing household objectives like a weekly clean-up on the weekend can help everyone stay on task and contribute to a common goal. The pursuit of one’s goals is crucial since it serves as a powerful source of inspiration.


18.Start planning tonight

For working parents, the mornings can be particularly hectic as they prepare for work while also preparing their children for whatever their day will entail, be it school or daycare. However, if you can prepare for the next day’s activities the night before, you may use that time with your loved ones and get your day off to a more relaxed and enjoyable start.


Start the day off smoothly by laying out clothes, cooking breakfasts in bulk, ensuring that children’s school bags are packed and sitting by the front door, and recognising any other ways to streamline morning routines.

Read this books review article on parenting.

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