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Child Protection Services in USA: Process and Functions

In the USA basic law for the protection of children is CAPTA. CAPTA is the abbreviation of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act. CAPTA urges every US State to establish a citizen review panel for evaluation of State and local Child Protection Services agencies, implementation of CAPTA by these states, and coordination of foster care and adoption services by these states. By including the members of the community in the process of child protection can often bring a new perspective to the Child Protection Services (CPS) case review process and also provide an opportunity to enhance the understanding of the community to better understand CPS (Child Protection Services). Review of case plans by citizens can also be a source of information and assistance. Social Workers are the backbone of Child Protection Services in the USA.


Here is the general flow of a case in Child Protection Services.

Child Protection Services

1.       Case Intake: At this first stage of the case reports of child abuse and neglect are received and reviewed. Further decisions are made by the CPS team on the basis of information received. The role of the Social Worker is vital at this stage of a case. Further risk of harm and maltreatment is one of the most important factors regarding decisions of case.


2.   Initial Assessment and Investigation of the case: Social Case Worker of the child protection services conducts an initial assessment of the case of child abuse and neglect. An investigator for child protective services investigates the cases.

3 Family Assessment: A child protection services (CPS) social caseworker conducts who is a professional social worker specifically trained for this purpose visits the family. The best interest of the child is the leading principle during the assessment. It is important that there is no substitute for primary care provided within the home setting. Family assessment and any further decision on its basis are highly sensitive matters and dealt with extreme care so that child or family should not be harmed by the child protection service intended to protect the child and family where the child is living.

4 Planning of the case: After collecting the required information, the case is planned. All the resources and solutions are discussed by a multi-disciplinary team and the best available solution is decided accordingly by child protection services.

5 Provision of Services:Decisions made in the planning phase are executed and required services available in the state are provided for the protection of children by child protection services.

Family Progress: monitoring and evaluation of family progress is the continuous process of case management and it is checked by the social caseworker if there is improvement within the family environment regarding the protection of children. Decisions are made by child protection social workers and child protection services accordingly on the basis of conditions observed.

Closure of the Case: This is the final stage of a case in child protection services. There are different types of case closure. Termination is one such type in which case is closed formally. Other types include a review of completed tasks, other concerns related to the case, and a review of risk reduction.

The main objective of child protection services is the protection and welfare of children and the protection of the family environment. Research reveals that there is no substitute for primary care provided by the family. Child protection services and child protection law operate in an evidence-informed way with the best interest of the child in focus according to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) and other US child protection laws and the International Convention on the Rights of Child (UNCRC). 

Child protective services hotline is also provided by the specific child protective services of a state. This child protection services phone number can be reached 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to report any incident of child abuse and neglect. Every state has its helpline for reporting child abuse and neglect case. For example, child protection services in Texas have a Toll-Free number (0800) 252-5400 which can be reached 24/7. Similarly, (You can click the blue link for specific protection services state and get information about the hotline and other necessary aspects) child protective services, Florida, child protection services in new jerseychild protection services New Yorkchild protection services in Indiana, Ohio child protective servicesKentucky child protective serviceschild protection services coloradochild protection services UtahVirginia child protective serviceschild protection services Louisianachild protection services mnchild protection services Idahochild protection services Washington and child protection services in other states have specific hotlines for child protection services. Child protective services jobs are also attractive and well paid. child protection services salary and how much does a child protective services worker makes may vary in every state. The child protection policy of a state can be accessed from their respective websites. The child protection system of a state is designed according to child protection policy and child protection legislation there. 

Click on this link for some of the best books on child protection.

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