Child protection laws in PakistanChild Rights in Pakistan

Child Protection Laws and Child Protection Services in Pakistan

 The child production system in Pakistan is in a rudimentary phase and gradually institutions are evolving. However, the history of child protection in Pakistan goes back to the colonial era. For example the Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929, and The Factories Act, 1934 were legislated before the British left. Over the period of time, child protection legislation evolved but still, there is a lot that needs to be done. Punjab Destitute & Neglected Children’s Act, 2004 (PDNC, 2004) is the first law in Pakistan that can be declared as the first formal child protection law in Pakistan. Child Protection and Welfare Bureau, Punjab was established according to this law. Here are some of the laws related to child rights in Pakistan since the British era. 

History of Child-Related Laws in Pakistan

Here are some of the child-related laws in the history of Pakistan. Some of the laws are before the creation of Pakistan. These laws were legislated when the region was under British control. However, some of the laws came after the creation of Pakistan. Generally, it is good to go through the main theme of these laws chronologically by keeping all the historically and politically changing landscape of the region. Overall, keeping this in mind helps to understand the evolution of child rights laws in Pakistan. The current ongoing legislative journey in the fields of child rights and child protection laws in Pakistan cannot be separated from the past. 

Child Rights laws in Pakistan
Ref: Punjab Judicial Academy

Child Rights and Child Child Protection Laws in Pakistan
Zainab Alert, Response and Recovery Act 2019
The National Commission of the Rights of Child Act, 2017
The Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, 2000
The Protection of Breastfeeding and Child Nutrition Ordinance, 2002
The Employment of Children Act, 1991
The Probation of Offenders Ordinance, 1960
The West Pakistan Probation of Offenders Rules, 1961
The Child Marriages Restraint Act, 1929
The Guardian & Wards Act, 1890

Punjab Province
The Punjab Prohibition of Child Labour at Brick Kilns Act, 2016
The Punjab Restriction on Employment of Children Act, 2016
The Punjab Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2014
The Punjab Reproductive, Maternal, Neo-Natal and Child Health Authority Act, 2014
The Punjab Destitute Neglected Children Act, 2004
The Punjab Juvenile Justice System Rules, 2002

Sindh ProvinceThe Sindh Prohibition of Employment of Children Act, 2017 The Sindh Prohibition of Corporal punishment Act, 2016
The Sindh Child Marriages Restraint Act, 2013
The Sindh Child Protection Authority Act, 2011
The Sindh Children Act, 1955

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Prohibition of Employment of Children Act, 2015 The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Child Protection and Welfare Act, 2010
Balochistan Province
The Balochistan Child Protection Act, 2016
Internationally Ratified Convention
United Nations Convention on the rights of the child (UNCRC) and optional protocols signed by Pakistan

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