parenting behaviorparenting mistakes

15 Parenting Mistakes and How to Correct Them

 Parenting mistakes

Fear of making mistakes as a parent is a common source of anxiety for many. But remember that you’re human and will make mistakes as a parent. Try to keep in mind that you have support from others. Each and every one of us makes mistakes as a parent.


If you know what to look for, you can steer clear of making a few standard parenting blunders. You can take a big step toward becoming a better parent by learning to avoid making these typical blunders. Here are eleven common blunders that parents make.



1. Not

addressing the basic issues

There are a lot of parents who go through weeks, months, or even years of frustration because they refuse to believe there is a solution to a problem or embrace it too fast when it is presented to them. The battle to get toddlers to sleep, waking up in the middle of the night, temper tantrums, and behavioral problems in older children are all types of issues that parents face on a regular basis.


The majority of the difficulties you face as a parent can be overcome, modified, or repaired; however, it may necessitate some effort and time to accomplish this goal. On the other hand, you could need some support. There are probably no instructions included with your child, but there are a lot of books, websites, and other people that can help you get through the difficult times that come with becoming a parent.


When dealing with challenging or recurring issues, seeking advice from a pediatrician or other healthcare professional is a good idea.



2. Expecting your children to accomplish your personal objectives

The best interests of their children are always at the forefront of a parent’s mind, yet it’s easy for parents to mistake what they consider to be best for their own children. When parents don’t give their children room to develop their own interests, they may try to steer them toward the career paths, extracurricular activities, and friends that they themselves would have liked to have had when they were younger.



Having children might make us feel like we have a “second chance” at achieving our dreams. Because of this, children often feel torn between obeying parental wishes and following their own interests. If you want to help your child make important decisions, you should make sure you’re not just trying to push your own agenda on them.



3. Issues with Over- or Underestimation

The first step in problem solving is identifying what exactly needs fixing. As unfortunate as it is, parents often exaggerate or understate the difficulties their children present.


Parents who fail to recognise the severity of their child’s problems, such as depression or substance abuse, may miss out on crucial information. However, overestimating stems from worry and can make kids feel like their parents are smothering them.


A professional mental health counsellor and psychologist who focuses on parenting, family relationships, and child development warns that when parents underestimate problems, they may invalidate their child’s emotions and unknowingly educate them to avoid problems or challenges.


When parents exaggerate their children’s troubles or difficulties, they teach their offspring to focus excessively on the worst possible outcomes of any given scenario.


4. Hopes that are too high

Having a high bar for your children to reach can cause more issues than it’s worth. Parental impatience and frustration are common causes of this, whether the offending child is a 3-year-old who shows little interest in potty training, a 6-year-old who continues to wet the bed, or a grumpy 13-year-old. Check that your expectations are in line with your child’s level of development. When parents set impossible demands for their children, it encourages a culture of perfectionism in the home. The desire to be liked by one’s parents is a common one among children.


Their tension and anxiety will increase if they believe they will let them down by not living up to these impossible standards. Because of this, they may have low self-esteem and look for approval through destructive means.


5. Submitting to the dominance of technology

From supplying us with amusement to assisting us with mundane jobs, technology has become an integral part of our lives. When parents allow technology take over, it can start to cut into their time with their children.


Everybody needs a break now and then to kick back with a game, stream some Netflix, or aimlessly scroll through their phones. But put away the gadgets when you’re hanging out with the kids. Make recollections by engaging in a wide range of shared experiences, engaging in meaningful conversation, and getting to know one another. A child’s memory is not capable of retaining the specifics of what kind of smartphone you gave them. Those who have spent time with you will never forget how you made them feel. Having high expectations for your children can make them feel bad about themselves if they fall short. They might also start thinking badly of themselves and start to believe the lies they tell themselves. They may even start to feel anxious as a result of it.


6. Showing inconsistency

Inconsistency in how you treat your children can be one of the most damaging things you can do to them. They will have a very hard time knowing what is expected of them and how to act if you are sometimes really strict and other times give in, or if you just don’t appear to care what they are doing.


 Gentle Parenting Techniques


Communication breakdowns and confusing messages can result from parental inconsistency in the areas of parenting and discipline. If parents don’t back up their words with actions, their children won’t respect them. This could cause people to stop respecting you. Children may experience anxiety and uncertainty if adults are inconsistent.


7. Staying away from constraints

Despite your best intentions, most kids, especially the younger ones, struggle to function in a world with no rules or boundaries, no matter how much you believe you’re helping them out. Your youngster will benefit much from the structure and predictability provided by rules, limitations, routines, and restricted options.


Negative behaviour, tantrums, antagonism, resistance, and attention seeking are all possible outcomes when parents do not establish and enforce rules and limitations. The way children learn to handle stressful events is affected in both the short and long term by this. Some kids may have a lack of regard for their parents and a tendency to push their limits in the short term. The long-term effects of rewarding children for bad behaviour may be a sense of entitlement on their part.



8. Applying a universal solution to specific problems

All too frequently, we assume a child’s needs while designing a helpful atmosphere or strategy. use a more individualised strategy when dealing with children. This includes learning about each child’s unique personality traits and adapting your methods of discipline and reinforcement accordingly.


The concept of tailoring treatments to the individual is gaining ground in the medical community. The provision of generic approaches, even if they are useful to certain children, is sometimes insufficient for children who have challenges in regulating their emotions and behaviours. Knowing the unique characteristics of each child allows us to personalise our interactions with them and our therapeutic strategies.



9. Power Struggles and Fighting Back

An important parenting book, “Setting Limits With Your Strong-Willed Child,” uses the metaphor of a dance where the members of the family might get locked in unhealthy patterns of communication if they don’t learn to break the dance. We’re not talking about getting into a fistfight with your kid, but there are other ways to fight back, such as getting angry, yelling, and saying the same thing over and over.


When you argue or get into a fight with your children, you give them a lot of control over you because of the intense emotions they can elicit from you. By taking aggressive action in response to problematic behaviour, you will actually reinforce the undesirable behaviour.


Put an end to power conflicts and learn more effective forms of discipline, such as time-out and the application of logical and natural consequences, instead of fighting back. Then, don’t waste time fighting before you utilise them.


10. Failing to alter ineffective practices

Fail to recognize or alter ineffective parenting practices, and it becomes almost as serious a problem as failing to address issues in the first place. Consider the example of time-out: you may believe it to be an effective form of discipline, but if you find yourself resorting to it daily to address the same issue or behavior, it’s not working.


Another sign that you need a fresh strategy to get your child to sleep is if he or she keeps getting out of bed during bedtime, prolonging the process to the point where everyone is exhausted the next morning. If you have tried everything and still aren’t making any progress, it may be time to consult with a doctor or a mental health expert.



11. Limiting a kid’s independence as they get older

Freedom of expression is like any other skill; it improves with use. Therefore, it’s essential to provide youngsters more freedom as they get older. While it’s logical that at an early age you would create boundaries, it’s crucial to let those boundaries expand over time. Allowing children to gradually increase their level of autonomy is preferable to expecting them to suddenly acquire these skills as adults, despite the fact that doing so can be frightening for both people involved.


12. A failure to set an example

Kids learn what is and isn’t okay to do based on the examples set by the adults around them. Leading by example is crucial because children learn the most from their parents.

Being a positive role model is another way to help children develop good habits. Children learn through observing adults who model positive social behaviours, such as constructive dialogue and peaceful conflict resolution.

Children learn effective methods of dealing with difficulties and stresses when they see their parents modelling those methods. Additionally, they develop constructive social skills and learn how to work well with others.


13. Protecting Your Child by Arguably Fighting for Them

While parents should step in to help their child work through a difficult situation, doing so on a regular basis prevents their child from developing social skills.


Parents should demonstrate dispute resolution and assertive behaviour to their young children. However, as children become older, parents should give them more responsibility for mediating disputes on their own.


Children learn that kids have no power when their parents choose their sides in their conflicts. Children need to be taught to use their words and bodies to achieve their goals. This facilitates the development of psychologically sound limits in their interpersonal interactions.


14. Shielding their Self Growth

Though parents understandably wish to shield their kids from emotional distress, they must experience failure in order to mature and learn. If you make a mistake, you should use it as a learning experience to think about how you can improve in the future. These are necessary abilities.


If you’re always rushing in to save your kids, they won’t be able to develop these skills. Also, it could lead to children having distorted self-perceptions. A child’s ability to bounce back from adversity and grow emotionally and self-soothe may be hampered. If you constantly save them or prevent them from making mistakes, they may develop poor self-confidence and fear of failure.



15. One of the Worst Things You Can Do to Your Child is to Not Listen

Simply by listening to your child, you show that you value what they have to say. Your child will feel more valued and loved by you if you take the time to listen to them. A positive sense of identity and social skills can emerge in your child if you take the time to listen to them.


Children who feel their parents don’t care about them may develop low self-esteem, she says. “Children may develop a lifelong sense of inadequacy, a belief that they will never be liked or accepted the way they are.”

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Closing Remarks

Most new parents go out on this road with the aspiration of becoming the best parents they can be for their children. But there will be setbacks on the way, no matter how diligent they are. Understanding that parenting is a journey that changes and develops through time is crucial.

To become the best parent you can be, it is important to be aware of and work to correct typical parenting flaws before they become serious problems. The first thing to do is to keep an open mind and be flexible enough to realize when you need to change course.

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