Adolescent Egocentrism

Adolescent Egocentrism: A Smart Guide for Parents of Teenagers

adolescent geocentricism

As children grow up, they often go through a period of “adolescent egocentrism” – where they become so focused on themselves and their own perspectives that they lose sight of the bigger picture. If you’re a parent with a teenager in your home, it is important to understand adolescent egocentrism and how to best help your child cope with this stage of life. In this article, we will discuss the basics of adolescent egocentrism and provide tips to help parents explain it to their child. 

Introduction to Adolescent Egocentrism

It’s no secret that teenagers can be self-centered. But what may be less well-known is that this egocentrism is actually a normal part of adolescent development.

Adolescent egocentrism is the belief that one’s own thoughts, experiences, and feelings are the only ones that matter. This can lead to a number of problems, such as difficulty empathizing with others and an inflated sense of self-importance.

While egocentrism is a normal part of adolescence, it’s important for parents to help their teens understand that other people’s thoughts and feelings are just as valid as their own. One way to do this is to encourage your teen to see things from other people’s perspectives.

Another way to help your teen through this egocentric phase is to provide plenty of opportunities for them to practice empathy. This could involve volunteering together at a local shelter or simply having regular conversations about how someone else might feel in a given situation.

By helping your teen understand and cope with their egocentrism, you can set them up for success in adulthood.

Why is it Important for Parents to Understand?

It is essential for parents to understand adolescent egocentrism because it is a major part of their child’s development during this phase of life. Adolescent egocentrism manifests itself in many ways, but the most common is probably the “self-centeredness” that teens are infamous for. This can manifest as a preoccupation with their own appearance, thoughts, and feelings.

While this self-centeredness is normal and developmentally appropriate, it can be problematic if it goes too far. If a teen becomes excessively self-absorbed, they may have difficulty empathizing with others and may start to isolate themselves. This can lead to problems at home, school, and in their social life.

It is important for parents to be aware of adolescent egocentrism and to help their child strike a balance between being self-centered and being empathetic towards others. One way to do this is by modeling empathy yourself and helping your teen find ways to connect with others.

How Does Adolescent Egocentrism Affect a Child’s Behavior?

Adolescent egocentrism can have a number of different effects on a child’s behavior. For example, it can lead them to believe that they are the center of the universe and that everyone is always watching them and judging them. This can make them feel very self-conscious and anxious, which can in turn lead to social withdrawal and isolation. Additionally, adolescent egocentrism can also lead to risky behaviors as teens seek to prove their independence and invulnerability. This can include things like drug use, alcohol consumption, and engaging in risky sexual behaviors. It’s important for parents to be aware of these potential effects so that they can help their children navigate through this stage of development in a healthy way.

What Are the Causes of Adolescent Egocentrism?

There are many possible causes of adolescent egocentrism. One cause may be that adolescents are still developing cognitively and have not yet reached the level of maturity of adults. This can lead them to believe that they are the center of the universe and that everyone is interested in them and their lives.

Another cause could be that adolescents are going through so many changes physically, emotionally, and mentally that they feel lost and alone. They may turn to egocentrism as a way to cope with these changes and make themselves feel more important.

Finally, adolescence is a time when peer pressure is intense and peer relationships are very important. Adolescents may start to view themselves in terms of how they think others see them. If they believe that others see them as unimportant or unworthy, they may start to act out in an egocentric manner in order to gain attention and approval from their peers.

How Can Parents Help Their Children Deal With Adolescent Egocentrism?

Many experts believe that adolescent egocentrism is a natural and necessary part of development. It allows adolescents to explore their own identities and figure out who they are separate from their parents. However, this can sometimes lead to conflict between teens and their parents. Here are some tips for how parents can help their children deal with egocentrism during adolescence:

-Encourage your child to express him or herself. It’s important that adolescents have a chance to explore their own thoughts and feelings. Try to create an open and supportive environment at home where your child feels comfortable talking about his or her experiences.

-Help your child understand that other people have different points of view. One of the hallmarks of egocentrism is the belief that one’s own perspective is the only correct one. Helping your child understand that other people see things differently can be a valuable lesson in empathy and respect.

-Encourage your child to take others’ perspectives into account. Once your child understands that other people see things differently, challenge him or her to consider those perspectives when making decisions. This will help your child develop the ability to think from multiple points of view, a skill that will be useful in many aspects of life.

-Model respectful behavior yourself. Remember that your teenager is watching you for clues about how to behave in the world. If you modelrespectful and considerate behavior towards others, your child is more likely to follow suit


Adolescent egocentrism can be an incredibly challenging concept for parents to understand—but it doesn’t have to be. By taking the time to learn about what adolescent egocentrism is and how to cope with it, you can help your child get through this difficult stage of growth in a healthy way. With patience, understanding and a little bit of knowledge, you’ll be able to equip yourself with the tools needed to navigate this important period in your child’s life.

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