Gentle Parents

5 Traits of Resilient and Gentle Parents

 What is Resilient and Gentle Parenting?

Parenting is an interesting process but it requires patience to be a good parent. Good parenting, gentle parenting, or resilient parenting are the conscious parenting styles. continuous conscious efforts are very important for fulfilling the process of parenting successfully. Following are some of the wonderful traits of resilient and gentle parents. Conscious parenting, gentle parenting, and resilient parenting are synonymous at many points due to their similarities. These terms are interchangeably used in this article to keep their beauty, fragrance, and philosophy in the debate. In gentle parenting, discipline equals freedom, not strictness or external control. Discipline is a way to empower children for liberating themselves by taking control over their lives. 

Gentle parenting

1. Resilient and Gentle Parents don’t burnout

Burnout is a breaking point and resilient parents or gentle parents identify their limitations before reaching that point. Through self-care, exercise, meditation, or relaxation they take their control back and stay gentle. This is the beauty of gentle parenting and its philosophy that you have to understand and address any underlying issue to main a good parent-child connection.

2. Gentle Parents and Resilient Parents are self-conscious

Gentle parenting, conscious parenting, and resilient parenting are the parenting styles based on self-consciousness and continuous self-evaluation. Gentle parents must know their personality characteristics, trigger points, and other factors. Self-consciousness will be helpful for understanding and addressing the roots of any behavioral urge which can ruin your beautiful process of parenting. Conscious parents keep looking inside them for any issue and address it timely. 

3. Resilient and Gentle Parents understand their child

Conscious parenting, gentle parenting, or resilient parenting are about self-consciousness as well as understanding the child. Every child has different personality characteristics and for parents, it is important to know their child. Knowing and understanding the child helps maintain a strong parent-child connection which is essential for the better development of a child. 

4. Resilient and Gentle Parents have a good parent-child connection

Parent-child connection is based on mutual respect, understanding, love, care, and empathy. The strength of this connection determines your level of understanding and bond with your child. Gentle parenting style is based on this connection. Gentle parents or resilient parents always strengthen and nurture this connection by spending regular time with children, celebrating every event related to the child, and communicating with them. 

Parenting mistakes and how to correct ourselves

5. Gentle Parenting is non-violent Parenting 

Gentle parents never use violent parenting methods. Instead, they practice kindness, empathy, and love during the process of parenting. Gentle parents understand that violent parenting not only affects their children negatively but it also creates strong regret and unpleasant feeling for them as parents. Gentle parents also understand that nonviolent parenting is the way to raise calm, peaceful, resilient, disciplined, and happy kids.  

Read more about Gentle Parenting in this article.

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